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Tips for Mental Health Check-ins with Your Kids

When talking about the importance of overall health with your kids, mental health should be one of your most important considerations.

For kids these days, the presence of social media and all the associated pressures can be overwhelming. But as a parent, you can promote good mental health by what you say and what you do.


Here are a few tips:

Children crave consistency. Make mental health check-ins a part of your family routine. The idea of a “check-in” may sound formal—but it doesn’t have to be! Engaging your kids in regular dialogue about their emotions, stress and social life is all it takes.

Help your kids build strong relationships by regularly spending quality time together. Put the phones and other devices away. Help with their homework or play a game.

Positive self-esteem can be developed and nurtured. Give your kids positive affirmation and praise their efforts and achievements. A healthy inner dialogue can also be developed with your help.

Create a safe and positive environment at home. When it comes to mental health, you can set a good example. After all, your kids are always watching what you do. Make a point to talk about your own feelings and take time to do the things you enjoy. Try to limit screen time, video games and television.

Always make time for physical activity and outdoor time with your kids. One thing to remember is that outdoor time doesn’t always need to be about sports. Go for nature walks and try identifying different species of plants, bugs and other critters. While the leaves are dropping in the fall, you could make it nature’s classroom by trying to collect all the tree leaves native to your area.


Behavioral health resources from FEP

Rest assured, help is closer than you think. See how you can get personalized help and tools to manage the challenges of life. The best part? With telehealth services from Teladoc® you can get the care you need from the comfort of your own home. Click here to learn more.



Published on: September 08, 2022