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Decrease Food Waste and Environmental Damage With These Tips

We all throw out food every day, but we don’t always think about the repercussions our food waste can have on the environment. About ⅓ of all the world’s food is wasted. In addition to our own food waste, massive quantities of food are also thrown out during every step of the production and delivery process. When we discard food, it rots in landfills, creating immense amounts of methane. This greenhouse gas is more powerful than carbon dioxide and can greatly aid in the development of climate change. In fact, almost 25% of methane emissions in the domestic U.S. are due to food waste. While it is impossible to eat every single scrap of food, there are many ways we can lessen our food waste and protect the environment in the process. By 2030, the U.S. government and United Nations want to decrease food waste by 50%. In order to help reach this goal, try adopting these tips into your daily regimen to create a greener food routine.


Buy “Ugly” Produce


“Ugly” produce is fruits or vegetables that may not be aesthetically appealing to the eye but are still fresh to eat. When this produce is put out for sale, people tend to not buy these fruits or vegetables because they think their abnormal appearance means they are not fresh. This causes tons of perfectly good produce to go to waste. 


Avoid Buying More Than You Need


Consumers throw out about ¼ of the food they purchase. Oftentimes, we buy more food than we actually need or buy bulk products that we never end up finishing. Try to be more mindful of estimating how much food you will actually use to avoid extra amounts being wasted.


Preserve Food


Use methods of preservation, such as freezing and fermenting, in order to make food last longer.


Save Leftovers


Instead of throwing away uneaten food after a meal, save it to eat within the next few days. If you are out at a restaurant and still have food on your plate, ask to bring your leftovers home.


Avoid Fridge Clutter


Sometimes, we throw out food we never even touched just because we couldn’t see it. Make sure to organize your refrigerator to ensure that all your unopened food is visible so that you don’t forget about it.


Save Food Scraps


There are many ways to use the scraps of our food so that they don’t go to waste. Not to mention, the health benefits of food scraps often go unnoticed. Instead of throwing away what you may think is “inedible,” try looking up how they can be used in other recipes.


If you are looking for more ways to adopt a greener food lifestyle, use our telehealth services to talk with a dietician who can help you customize a personalized nutrition plan.





Published on: August 12, 2021