8 Fruits That Don’t Raise Blood Sugar

Think you can’t eat fruit when you’re diabetic? Think again. The American Diabetes Association has labelled certain fruits as “diabetes superfoods” because of their high vitamin, mineral and fiber content. They’re considered low-GI foods, meaning they cause a slower and smaller rise in blood sugar levels. High-fiber foods are often low-GI because it naturally regulates your blood sugar and keeps you feeling full.
Of course, you should still eat these diabetes-friendly fruits in moderation. Also, be sure to eat them as-is in their natural form and avoid juices, syrups and processed fruits with added sugar.
Berries are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, making them a low-GI alternative when you’re craving sweets. Try putting them in plain, nonfat yogurt for a healthy breakfast or dessert.
Cherries are another low-GI fruit that may help fight inflammation. They're also rich in antioxidants, which can help your body fight diseases like cancer.
Peaches make the perfect summertime treat. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber, and go great in unsweetened iced tea.
One serving of these summer fruits contains over 50% of your daily vitamin A requirement and is loaded with fiber. Try tossing diced apricot into a summer salad for a refreshing twist.
There’s a reason apples are everyone’s go-to fruit: they’re loaded with fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Plus, they’re easy to take around with you and eat wherever.
Get all of the vitamin C you need in a day just by eating one orange. Did you also know that oranges contain folate and potassium, both of which can help regulate your blood pressure?
Pears are a delicious source of vitamin K, and can go wherever you go. After they’re picked, they get a better texture and become sweeter. Just be sure to eventually store them in the fridge after they ripen.
Don’t be put off by their fuzzy exterior—kiwis are a good source of potassium, fiber and vitamin C. They’re available all year, so they’ll be in store whenever you have a craving.
If you’re looking to take control of your diabetes, you have more options than just eating healthy fruits. With our Diabetes Management Incentive Program, Standard and Basic Option members can earn money for qualified medical expenses by taking steps to manage their diabetes.