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Blue HowTo: Get to know FEP Blue Focus

As part of our Blue HowTo series, we want you to know more about your healthcare coverage options.  

What’s the Federal Employee Program?
Since 1960, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan, also known as the Federal Employee Program (FEP) has been committed to providing federal employees and retirees with the quality health insurance they need. There are now three coverage options you can choose from: Standard Option, Basic Option and our newest offering, FEP Blue Focus.

Focusing on the essentials
We’ve designed FEP Blue Focus with your healthcare needs—and budget—in mind. It offers quality health coverage at an affordable cost.

Here are the essentials of FEP Blue Focus: you must see a provider in our network to receive coverage, you never need a referral to see a specialist, and your coverage travels with you, even overseas. Once you enroll, one of the best ways to keep up with your benefits on the go is to download the fepblue mobile app.

Focusing on the benefits
FEP Blue Focus benefits are categorized into three levels: Core, Non-core and Wrap.

Core benefits provide coverage for all the essentials of good preventive health, like annual checkups, vaccines and screenings, virtual doctor visits, urgent care, generic drugs, even acupuncture and chiropractor visits. You’ll pay little or no cost for these services. In fact, your first ten primary care and/or specialist visits are just $10 a visit.

With any active lifestyle, unexpected bumps and bruises are bound to happen. That’s when Non-core and Wrap benefits kick in.

Non-core benefits include services like your primary care and specialist visits beyond the first ten doctor visits, lab and diagnostic services, allergy treatments, hospital services and emergency care you may need. You’ll pay the full cost for these services until you’ve paid your deductible amount for the year. After that, your share of the costs will be 30% coinsurance and we’ll pay the rest.

Then there are Wrap benefits. These are benefits that do not require you to pay the deductible but vary in what you may pay out of pocket. These cover things like home healthcare, maternity facility charges and physical therapy. Many have visit or usage limits.

If you want to learn more about these benefits, you can download the 2020 FEP Service Benefit Plan Summary Book.

Focusing on prescriptions
FEP Blue Focus covers certain prescription drugs—mainly Preferred generics, Preferred brand name and Preferred specialty drugs. If you’re taking any prescriptions, make sure to find out if your drug is covered by checking out the FEP Blue Focus formulary.

Another really important thing to know about FEP Blue Focus is what’s not covered. Non-covered services include, but are not limited to, non-preferred drugs, routine dental care, skilled nursing facility care and hearing aids.

Focusing on you
We think you should get rewarded for focusing on preventive health. That’s why FEP Blue Focus members can earn a reward for getting their annual checkup. Reward options include items or services that help you focus on your health.

FEP Blue Focus
Now that you know more about FEP Blue Focus, does it sound like it might be right for you? Check out our AskBlue® tool to help you decide. Keep in mind that you’re only allowed to enroll outside the annual Open Season enrollment period if you have a Qualifying Life Event.

Once you enroll in any of our plans, you can sign up for your personalized MyBlue® account to help guide you through your new health plan. 

As a trusted partner for nearly 60 years, you can count on us to help you stay informed and healthy every step of the way.

Published on: February 07, 2019; updated on: December 09, 2021