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5 Houseplants with Health Benefits

Did you know that living in an energy efficient modern building or home can have negative side effects? A lack of air flow allows for indoor air pollution to build up and may cause health issues like asthma.

Hold off on packing up the moving boxes just yet—houseplants are here to rescue you. In 1989, NASA discovered that houseplants can absorb harmful toxins from the air, especially in enclosed spaces with little air flow. While electric air purifiers pack a bigger punch, plants have a few advantages: they’re natural, cost effective and therapeutic.

Two to three plants in 8-or 10-inch pots are recommended for every 100 square feet. And of course, some plants are better than others at removing certain household chemicals. Here are the 5 easiest-to-care-for natural air purifiers.

1. Spider plants
AKA air plants. They grow quickly, look great in hanging baskets and can even survive a little forgetfulness, only requiring water two or three times a week. They are also non-toxic in case there are children or animals in the home. They help eliminate formaldehyde and xylene.

2. Dracaenas
Perfect for plant beginners. These come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Don’t overwater these guys, keeping the soil damp, but not soggy, is key. They help eliminate formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene and trichlorethylene. But keep them away from your furry friends as they may be toxic to cats and dogs.

3. Golden pothos
Also known as devil’s ivy. This plant is nearly indestructible. It’s one of the most effective plants at removing indoor toxins like carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, xylene and more. Keep out of reach of cats and dogs and enjoy cleaner, crisper air.

4. Areca palms
This is a small plant from Madagascar that tends to be easier to grow outdoors. But if you have the space inside that gets enough bright, filtered light, it will make a great addition. It’s a thirsty plant that needs a lot of water, but it’s non-toxic to both cats and dogs. 

5. Chrysanthemums
“Mums” are ranked the highest for air purification. They’re shown to eliminate common toxins as well as ammonia. While they only bloom for about six weeks, you can fertilize the pot again in the spring when new growth appears. They are toxic to cats and dogs, so keep away from their reach.

Published on: December 03, 2020